Tivoli Audio Model one
Where performance and simplicity are paramount, but space is at a premium, our original Model One table radio offers listening pleasure in the kitchen, office, study, bedroom.

Simplicity in use
With only three buttons, this is the opposite of the increasingly complex electronic products that are sold. The simple appearance of the Model One emphasizes analog craftsmanship, allowing higher sound reproduction and the best radio reception.

The model one's natural reproduction of sound is the result of a wooden housing, the heavy-magnet long-throw driver linked to the audio module that automatically adjusts the output in half-octave increments. It results in a musical and accurate reproduction of music and radio.

Simple, practical controls that do what you want. A button for on/off, FM and Bluetooth, a button for volume and a tuning knob. The large tuning knob that finds channels works on a 5:1 ratio to help you find even the weakest channels.